I miss magazines - don't you? I really notice it at this time of the year. I used to be so excited to get my Martha Stewart holiday mag every year and I have kept them all (as I'm sure many of you have.) We need to support print media. We all love the blogs but we need to make sure that no more of them fold. We need to keep our favourite publications alive by ordering subscriptions just like we used to before we all got obsessed by blogs. A magazine's bloodline is their advertising - and these days there is less and less advertising dollars - that's why some of the holiday magazines seem so thin this year. One of my new years resolutions is to support print media like I used to. We've all gotten very excited by some of the fabulous online magazines that have popped up in the last year - but let's not forget where it all started! Renew your subscriptions and give subscriptions for holiday gifts. It's great value and there's nothing like seeing all those mags in the mailbox every month.