Readers Tip | Cleveland Art
I love vintage industrial stuff. Yesterday, thanks to the people at Paper Thieves, I found myself browsing through pages and pages of amazing industrial furniture and oddities at Cleveland Art. Now you might already have found this place but, if you haven't, you are going to love me for this - take a look at . . .

I have never seen such a brilliant selection of authentic, vintage, factory furniture - I had a hell of a time deciding which pieces to show you here. I love this stuff. They have great steel work tables, gurneys, armoirs, drafting tables, steel stools, lighting and objects d'art. Our home and studios are pretty big and kinda rustic and I find that big industrial pieces like these in our place can keep it from looking too "country" - know what I mean? In the right interior space the combination of well worn wood and oiled steel is beautiful. I often see pieces like these in photographs of stylish lofts and wonder where they get them . . . . voila . . . . . .