Good morning!
I'm back from my mini vacation to Victoria. It was a lovely break. Victoria has such a beautiful climate - they don't really experience winter at all(we lived in Victoria for 3 years and I loved it!) So around about this time of year it's always great to fast forward ourselves into spring and take a look at how the warmer half lives! We were only away for 3 days but we managed to pack a lot of eating drinking and walking in. I took lots of photos with my iPhone so I thought I'd share those with you. today. Doug took some great ones on his camera too so I'll get those downloaded some time tomorrow and sort through them for a post here in the next couple of days(hint: he got quite obsessed with the red lanterns hanging all over Chinatown!)

The flight into Victoria is gorgeous - flying right over the Gulf Islands.
Below - Fan Tan Gallery

One of our first stops in Chinatown was a favourite of mine Fan Tan Gallery(who I featured right here a year or so ago - these 1st two pictures are from the previous post just to give you an idea of what a cool space it is.)
I was really impressed with the new steel furniture that they have. Great patina!

These sweet little vintage egg cups were in one of the wooden cupboards at Fan Tan - they have a few choice vintage pieces in the store.

Next stop was Chintz and Co(below) - which is a bit of an institution in Victoria - another fabulous interior space - probably originally a warehouse, on the waterfront - high ceilings and brick walls, lots of levels and tons of cool stuff.

Stopped and bought some tea at a great new tea house (Venus Sophia) across the street from Fan Tan Gallery on Fisgard St - owned by some former Nelson residents - it's a wonderful new bright spot in Chinatown - below - and the decor is WONDERFUL.