Road Trip
We went to an antique fair in Spokane WA on Saturday (though we are in Canada, our closest city is a 3 hour drive away in WA.) I have seen the Custers Antique and Collectors Sales advertised in the past but we haven't been before. It was well worth the visit. Held at the Spokane Fair Grounds it was a huge event, probably the biggest antique fair I've ever been to with hundreds of vendors in a huge space. My friend Linda came with us - she was buying for Pat who trades in a local antique shop in Nelson. I always find it overwhelming when presented with all my favourite collectibles under one roof - don't you? I lose my mind and wander around like a zombie trying to take it all in like sponge. Fortunately I had Doug my trusty photographer with me and so off he went to take pictures. I bought some wood type trays - very good price at $28 each and lots of paper ephemera which I will incorporate into some Cartolina designs in the future. Here are some pictures that Doug took - not bad considering the lighting was pretty bad . . . .

This is one of those counter display models(above) that Doug is always looking for - Simplicity model complete with box and clothes(Doug says if any of you have one of these can you send it to him!) Christmas collectibles were abundant. I love this old reindeer but the hottest holiday items were from the 50s and 60s.
The following items were from a collection of old cast iron match holders. I loved them for the sculptural appeal - especially the elephant! They were very pricey - but great to see.

Wooden type trays were a hot item again. I bought a few at the end of the day and now I really wish I had bought them at the beginning of the day and spent the rest of the day buying tiny treasures to display in them!
I saw loads of fabulous Bakelite buttons like these ones above. The cards below were part of a game - great little illustrations!
Chalkware is still very big - especially dogs - in fact Doug took a lot of pictures of dogs - what's with that Doug? Are you trying to tell me we need to get a dog?

One of the things that I was really impressed with was all the vintage display cases that I saw for sale. They were very expensive - but so cool. Everything from simple bell jars to Victorian store fixtures - really great!

Doug was instructed to try and find a card catalog - and apparently this was the only one - and at $875 we were definitely not taking it home with us!

And of course there was lots of Halloween collectibles - and none more appropriate than this halloween cat that looks like it was attacked by a werewolf!