My Neck of the woods
Here's something different, just for today. I haven't done this for a while - an entirely local post (local, as in Nelson BC). I actually remembered to carry the camera around with us on Saturday - so here's how I spent my Saturday morning.

First we went for a walk at Cottonwood lake(above) and then we headed in to Nelson(below)

On our way into Nelson we ran into my old friend George(below) who owns the antique/junk store in Nelson and he was on his way to a yard sale - so I followed him (always a good junking technique - follow the expert!)

I got some very cool stuff at the yard sale including these books, biscuit tin, clock, egg holder thingy etc. My favourite thing is the old steel tape measure - it has wonderful vintage numbers on it.

Next we went to Cottonwood Market which is held every Saturday morning - lots of fresh produce and hand made items. I had a great time looking through this guy's carpets from Iran(below) Totally fell I love with the pinks, reds and tourquoise in that beautiful 10ft runner(2nd image) Too bad I don't have the perfect spot for it.

After the market we went to check out the new antique store - and ran into my friend Linda. We were both drooling over the gorgeous upholstery on this 1930s sofa(below) I also loved the collection of wonderful asian antique furniture and art pieces. This will be a wonderful addition to the shopping scene in Nelson.

After the antique store we went to Oso Negro for a coffee(below) - the patio is open now and it's a great spot to sit outside - Oso is a Nelson institution!

From Oso we headed down Herridge Lane to visit Tracy Fillion at Very Hush Hush(the silver Airstream trailer full of cool and stylish treasures)

I spotted a few new things that I loved including these ear rings from Lauren Elgee(below) and card pockets from Flightpath Designs in Vancouver.

I was really interested in these badges (below). They are like giant Boy Scout or Girl Guide badges for grown ups.

Well that's it - that sums up my Saturday morning in Nelson - a little bit of local content. I hope you liked it - it's good to have something different now and then.