Back from Vancouver
So we just got back from a few days in Vancouver. We had clear blue skies for the entire time which is quite unusual for Vancouver. We go to Vancouver every 3 months or so. It's our closest city. Our distributor, Lisa, is in Vancouver and we love to go visit with her and also visit with some of our retail buyers. Getting away for a few days really does give a person perspective. We have been very busy at work for the last few months and I really enjoyed the change of scenery for a few days. We visited with good friends, went to the gallery, ate lots of sushi, went to the aquarium and strolled through Stanley Park. I also liked wandering around the shops since the shopping is rather limited in Nelson!

Vancouver is a great city to visit - this picture was taken at Kits Beach at 8 o'clock on Friday evening. The sunset was gorgeous and the snow on the mountains was really pretty. Vancouverites are real outdoorsy types - running, walking their dogs and biking. There are beaches all around the downtown area.

Pretty Vancouver necklace at the top from Kohana Jewellery