Mary's Monday Mosaics | Suffix Abuse
I want to introduce you to fellow designer Mary from Suffix Abuse. Mary is a graphic designer who is passionate about and draws inspiration from photography, typography and stationery design. Every Monday she posts a fabulous mosaic of images that have caught her eye either for their colour, their styling or their je ne sais quoi.. She has an amazing skill for finding and arranging these images. {When I see them I want to climb right inside and be part of that world for a few minutes.} I am always so impressed and so inspired by them - and judging by what I have learned about my readers here at the Cafe, you will too!

Mary's site is wonderful inspiration for designers in all mediums. Her design talent and her keen eye for colour and typography make for top notch visuals and interesting commentary. I've been reading Suffix Abuse for a long time now and it is one of my favourite morning reads. If you have a blog that you think I should take a look at just send me a line, I'd love to check it out.