Inspiration | Surface design
Thanks goodness for good surface designers. During this last design session for Cartolina I have been so inspired by the amazingly talented and intelligent surface designers who bring something fresh to their collections every season without being sucked in by the trend of the day - hey enough with the owls all ready! Designing something new and fresh is hard, it's a struggle - the easiest thing is to jump on every design bandwagon that rolls past your studio door. Here are a few things that I like because they're based on classic designs but they are remade today in a cool and contemporary style.... and no owls.

I love this fabric,above, it could be ancient or it could have been designed yesterday. Brilliant! Right up my ally!

Do you love this wallpaper above? I do - it's just so clever. It's like toille de village meets the 70's.

I think I am trend-phobic - I see a trend coming towards me and I head in the other direction :-) Most of these designs are from British designers who work for UK design houses including Anstey, Zoffany and Harlequin. If you would like more specific information email me and I will get it for you!
Have a great Monday morning!