Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cartolina - Movin' on up!

A new year and a new location for Cartolina!
We are so excited to announce that we are moving Cartolina wholesale operations into a new location - AND opening our very first retail store this spring in Nelson BC!

Cartolina wholesale has outgrown its current location and so, last year, we set to work trying to find the perfect space to move the entire operation into. A couple of months ago we noticed a great old heritage building for sale on Nelson's main street and after a lot of thought we decided to bite the bullet, buy the building and start planning for our new downtown Nelson HQ! The building was built in 1880, it used to be part of the Tremont Hotel. It's a lovely old brick building with lots of character - high ceilings, brick interior walls and wood floors. The front of the building has a fabulous vintage storefront - so, along with a great big, new wholesale department, we are delighted to be planning our first ever foray into the world of brick and mortar retail!

I can't wait to start documenting the transformation - the building has been home to a restaurant for many years and it will be fun to reveal and restore the old character. I will try to post regular updates on the progress. But, in the mean time, I need to start planning the store, oh yay! So, if you are familiar with the Cartolina style, and you think you might have a product that would compliment our vintage inspired designs, send me your wholesale information. Can't wait to hear from you! (email at