Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stepping sideways

Tis the season for holiday gift guides and I'm excited that our iPhone cases have been chosen to appear in a few high profile ones coming up in the next few weeks.
I was asked by a couple of writers why we took the sideways leap into iPhone cases. It's a good question, here's what I said:

"Doug and I have had iPhones since the first week they launched - before they were even available in Canada. We hopped across the border and bought them in the US. A few years after that we became members of the Apple Developers Program and developed 3 pretty Cartolina iPhone apps which have been tremendously successful and we are very proud of them.

After launching the very first app, The Cartolina App, we were asked many times by users to consider designing iPhone cases. I thought it was an interesting idea but since I was sporting a very practical pink rubber case on my phone I wasn't exactly a fashionista in the iPhone case realm! But our users persisted and I started to take a serious look at what was available in good quality, stylish cases. 

I was really surprised that there were very few cases available on the market for the sophisticated buyer - unless they wanted fake diamond encrusted, plastic quilted, 'gold' plated, smiling skulls on their phones. There were some nice arty cases featuring illustrations from talented artists but they were very very specific.

Cartolina's cases fill a niche. Beautiful vintage imagery applied to a hard glossy surface is classic - it's like porcelain or enamel - every detail is enhanced by the mirror like shine. Our cases make your phone feel brand new with the tight fit and cool touch. The gorgeous images wrap right around the sides of your phone and smooth finish makes it super easy to slide the case in and out of your pocket or your purse.

We love paper products at Cartolina and are busy designing a whole new card collection right now, but iPhone cases are here to stay and, judging by the response, to our first collection of 31 cases we're here to stay too."

All our cases can be found at www.cartolina.com