Friday, August 29, 2008

Window Shopping | Accessories
Have a great holiday weekend everyone, I'll be back here on Tuesday - and yes I did put this pillow here because it looks nice with my banner :-)

Finally, before we break for the weekend, here are a couple more wonderful accessories to add some fun to the funky, vintage, industrial pieces that we found earlier this week at Cleveland Art and Modern Dose. The crewel embroidered pillow is from Anthropologie and the iron serving stand is from Cosas.
Trends | Indian inspiration

I cut this page(above) out of Country Home Magazine about a year ago. Believe it or not this is a room in a desert house in Arizona. I love it. I find it really inspiring and beautiful. This page has been hanging on my bulletin board for a few months now - thought I would share it with you today. I've noticed a real trend towards Indian inspired decor and accessories recently.

I think you can add these kind of decorative items to any style of home. There are loads of reproduction and modern Indian pieces out there but you do have to be careful that your home doesn't start looking like an opium den or the Taj Mahal! I prefer to see subtle use of authentic Indian antiques or Indian ephemera (though occasionally I think that stylized versions look good too like the pillows above). When we were in New York a few weeks ago I noticed loads of Indian stuff at ABC - fantastical, sculptural pieces and paintings that I just fell in love with. Pictures above from ABC Carpet and Home and John Robshaw

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Studio | Doug at work

Well it feels like Doug has been spending a lot of time in his studio for the last few days, thought I had better go and check out what he's working on. Turns out he's working on a series of illustrations for a magazine out of New York. Here's a peek at what he's been doing. I think this illo is beautiful and it looks so much like vintage lithography(he calls it lith-faux-graphy)
Birthday Boy | Time for presents!

So, today is Doug's birthday. Happy Birthday Doug! And what a lucky guy because today he is getting a vintage Diana camera to have some fun with. We've had some great old cameras in the past - medium format Rolleiflex and vintage Leicas but never a camera that produces consistently scratchy, scruffy, distorted images. He's sure to get obsessed with this new toy!

The Diana camera is from a genre of photography known as Lomography. I had never even heard of this style of photography until I saw a Diana camera on Poppytalk. It has a slightly fish eye, plastic lense that causes the images to have that Coke bottle look, scratchy texture and dark edges. I am sure you have seen many photos recently taken with this style of camera - prints of these images are available widely on Etsy - it'll be fun to see how Doug uses it - he has a great eye. You can buy a Diana here. Picture courtesy of Kai Yamada at
Random Object | Westie bookends

Who can resist a pair of Westie bookends to sit on your desk top while you are working - perfect! Get yours here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Accessories | Anthropologie

Just thought I would throw in some accessories that I think would go brilliantly with the industrial furniture we have been looking at this week. Just to add some colour and kick. Starting with a sheet metal mirror frame - how perfect would this be along side a few things from Cleveland Arts?

New lampshade and pillows from Anthropologie - the shade is gorgeous and would look wonderful with the oiled steel pieces from Cleveland Arts too.
Obsessions | Old scruffy table

Good grief I love this table! The scruffiness, the patina, the proportions, the scale it's all perfect! Well done Vagabond Vintage Furniture - we salute you. And thanks Di Overton at Designers Block for introducing me to Vagabond - we salute you too!
Window Shopping | Pearly pillows

Lovely, pearly, shell buttons on 100% cotton velvet pillows from RE. You really have to have both don't you?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Readers Tip | Cleveland Art

I love vintage industrial stuff. Yesterday, thanks to the people at  Paper Thieves, I found myself browsing through pages and pages of amazing industrial furniture and oddities at Cleveland Art. Now you might already have found this place but, if you haven't, you are going to love me for this - take a look at  . . . 

I have never seen such a brilliant selection of authentic, vintage, factory furniture - I had a hell of a time deciding which pieces to show you here. I love this stuff. They have great steel work tables, gurneys, armoirs, drafting tables, steel stools, lighting and objects d'art. Our home and studios are pretty big and kinda rustic and I find that big industrial pieces like these in our place can keep it from looking too "country" - know what I mean? In the right interior space the combination of well worn wood and oiled steel is beautiful. I often see pieces like these in photographs of stylish lofts and wonder where they get them . . . .  voila . . . . . .
Inspiration | Sara Paloma

How can you resist the elegance and simplicity of these vessels from Sara Paloma. I have seen them make the rounds on many blogs recently and I just had to jump on the bandwagon - magnificent.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Random Objects | Piggy bank

Couldn't resist this vintage iron pig  - you can get him right here.
Random Objects | Studio Storage
What do you think of these storage pieces from Modern Dose? They sure look vintage - but they're new - and I think they're fab! They are sturdy, practical and cool . The 4-drawer remind me of those crash carts that they used to use in hair salons(they would fill them with those neon coloured, spiky rollers - remember?)  I wonder if I could find authentic vintage versions of these - any ideas?

Window Shopping | RE

One of the the things I like about blogging is it gives me a chance to revisit websites that I bookmarked months ago - and it's great to see what's new. RE is one of those sites. Take a look at their wares and I think you will want to bookmark them too.

RE looks like a great shop to visit in person but their site is so fun. This time around I found these great little pendant lampshades made from tin jelly molds - aren't they wonderful - so fun!
Random Objects | Hourglasses

Here's a trend I have just noticed - hourglasses. These lovely coloured ones are from Anthropologie and they give you 30 minutes of time to relax, meditate, or sit quietly in one's studio blogging . . . . . . .Oh and while I remember I just noticed that Anthropologie also carries some very nice bell jars - remember we were talking about those a few weeks ago?