Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Window Shopping | Pedlars

Have you been to Pedlars? If not then you need to run, don't walk. I love their collection of interesting objects. Not your run of the mill wares at all. Something special with every click. Check it out. I'm getting in the mood for a bit of shopping in Vancouver this week { the only trouble when you live in the middle of nowhere - the anticipation of shopping at big city stores is killing me - I know, I can hear you saying, well you just got back from New York for goodness sake - but for me it's not about the actual aquiring, it's more about the inspiring - I am a window shopper extraordinaire}

Pedlar's web store is located here. Enjoy yourselves - you are not restricted to window shopping - go all the way - if you dare!
You could go to their real shop, at 128 Talbot Road, Nottinghill, London - but I have a feeling it might take you a while to get there and, once again, it would involve airline food.