Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy weekend everyone! Love this vintage circus banner!

Cross stitch iPhone case

This is such a great idea. A diy cross stitch iPhone case. It comes with thread and patterns - but of course you could come up with your own creations - like an alphabet sampler for instance. So if you go ahead and buy this I insist that you send me a picture of your creation and I'll post it here! 18 bucks from Connect Design. Via Unplugged.

DIY mirror

Now, I am very picky about diy projects and usually stay away from hokeyness but this mirror looks pretty good from this angle don't you think? Maybe if I look at it for too long I'll change my mind but, truthfully, you thought it was pretty cute when you first looked at it right?

Miniature carnival

Did you see this on Design Sponge this week? It's a miniature fairground/carnival sculpture from the 1960's by C. Jere. There are some better images here at 1st Dibs. It's really exquisite - and you know I like miniatures!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Collection a Day - blog tour.

Today I am happy to be part of A Collection A Day's summer blog tour. You may remember last week that I posted about the release of Lisa Congdon's book A Collection a Day published by Uppercase. Janine asked me to be part of the blog tour and to do a post on collecting. So here we go . . . .

It doesn't take long to find a collection in this house - pretty much everywhere you look there are multiples of small items - which I would say constitutes a 'collection'! So I took some pictures of just a few of my favourite things. Enjoy . . .

My collection of old biscuit tins is way out of control - I should probably sell some. But I love them especially the Peek Frean tins. And they're so useful - where else could I put my collections of sea shells, beach glass or small flat grey rocks? Pretty much every tin hides a collection of something. One of my faves - the small square marzipan tin has a nice selection of Romanian stamps (you never know when you might need those!) The Magic Baking Powder tin holds the collection of broken china that we found when we dug out the basement of the house on Stanley St (not to be confused with the selection of green marbles that we found under the back porch of the house on Mill St.)

Another of my favourite collections which is kept in a biscuit tin is this collection of vintage miniatures. Everything from Monopoly pieces to tiny people meant for model train sets - have you ever been to a model train store and seen all the cool tiny things they have for those miniature trains - fantastic! I love hobby shops!

This is one of my faves - Mr motorbike rider - he's a bit beat up, but he's cool!
Don't forget to tune into other Blogs on the A Collection a Day Blog Tour including:
July 20th (DesignWorkLife), July 27 (Poppytalk), Aug 3 (sfgirlbybay).
Also, you can buy your copy of A Collection a Day right here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Inspiration - Peruvian belts

Super pretty embroidered and hooked Peruvian belts from here. Love the folk arty look to these!

The Elevated Envelope

Yesterday I got this fabulous envelope in the mail - isn't it gorgeous? This is the 2nd time I have been the lucky recipient of one of Tara Bliven's fabulously designed letters and when I showed it to Doug he refused to believe that that was her handwriting! Tara, from Ephemera Press, is holding The Elevated Envelope event and you can read more about it on her blog. I'm so impressed with Tara's handwriting - absolutely beautiful - and guess what? - she does custom calligraphy for weddings and other events - so you can be the recipient of one of these super pretty envelopes too!

Butik Sophie

At the weekend I was preparing a blog post for tomorrow for Uppercase - to celebrate the release of A Collection a Day. It crossed my mind that there must come a day when you go from being simply a collector to being a hoarder. I've decided that if I keep my collections organized in pretty boxes and tins then I can't be classified as a hoarder. I have recently started picking up (read hoarding) vintage letters and numbers. I thought they would make for some fun signage maybe for our market booth. I did some research yesterday and found the most incredible selection of letters and number at Butik Sophie - so impressive . . . .

Monday, July 11, 2011

Inspiration paper decorating

Great paper decorating project inspired by Anthropologies amazing designers. Thought you'd love this one!

Luna Bazaar

This past weekend we had a final party on our deck before it gets torn down (today) and replaced. I decorated the deck with all the vintage chinese lanterns I've been collecting recently - and it looked so pretty! I happened to stumble on this great site for lanterns and decorations that I think you'll love. Luna bazaar. They have an amazing selection including the following!

A little paper decoration inspiration from here ;-)