Friday, October 29, 2010

Found - That Old Blue House!

These are some of the coolest things I've seen in ages. It looks like these remnants came from a vintage crazy quilt and this clever gal has put them under glass for us to wear. Some people have such great ideas!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Inspiration - The Golden Cockerel Press

A couple of really nice wood engravings from The Golden Cockerel Press - these are very old. For more information, try here.

Found - button monogram pillows

I like these. I think they are really nicely done. Check out the use of large and small buttons depending on the line weight. Very clever and really appealing!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inspiration - Lubna Chowdhary

This is the work of London ceramic artist Lubna Chowdhary. I noticed her pieces on Bloesem. I thought you would love to see the colours and textures of her work. I think her pieces look like enamel but they are hand applied glazes with incredible colour. The containers are wonderful - the choices of lids is incredible. Further down the post you will see some of her selection of hot plates and if you check out her website you will find an amazing selection of tiles(and her studio is fab!)

Weekend project

It was a very rainy weekend here last weekend. I decided to do some crafty projects that have been haunting me - one of which was this refurbished necklace that I made out of 3 different pieces of broken jewelry. I think it turned out quite well and I'm looking forward to wearing it with this really pretty, cropped jacket that I bought a few weeks ago. So, it started off as 3 pieces - a very long single chain, a bracelet with the moth on it and another bracelet with yellow Austrian crystals. I probably wouldn't have put anything hanging off the moth's wings but the holes were all ready there so I had to use them. I like gold tone jewelry these days. I think it turned out very well and it looks very pretty on :-)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Doug Jones - vintage inspiration

You may, or may not, know that Doug is an illustrator. He works mostly for the Wall Street Journal and other US dailys. Every so often he illustrates some cards for us at Cartolina and he was the main force behind the Cartolina app(Oh, did I mention we have another app releasing in about 2 weeks?) Anyway, every so often I troll through Doug's great big folder of inspiration on his desk top to see what's new - here's what caught my eye yesterday. . . . .

Inspiration - Ivanka

I hope you can get a good look at these - the new Camelion collection from IVANKA - via Design Milk. These are concrete pavers - any colour your heart desires. Very inspiring - don't you think?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Going going gone!

No sooner had I spotted this wonderful cigar box (the subject of which I have a renewed interest in after finding this one) than it was GONE! I turned my laptop round to show Doug and someone else got it. Boo.Those are some nice owl labels.

Found - vintage inspiration

A couple more interesting and inspiring vintage pieces for you today. First up great type and graphics on a vintage bar of swan soap and secondly, a very cool, vintage wire, hat stand . The type on the bar of soap is fab - note the curving N.

From shavingkitsupplies on Etsy

Found - Designer Julia Fraia

These wonderful pillow designs are from Brazilian designer Julia Fraia - as seen at Print and Pattern. They caught my eye because of the non-trendy colour palette. The red and beige pillow is fabulous - love to see when a designer does their own thing - so much more interesting than the 'same old, same old!'