Thursday, December 31, 2009

I followed a link on Twitter yesterday and found myself drooling over this ring on Vicente Agor's website - isn't it wonderful - I love it to bits. I think if Cartolina had a jewelry line it would look a bit like this! Which reminds me, we are introducing some new products in the new year - I'll tell you all about it next week!

How sweet is this? A vintage, handmade, tin carousel from Elemental. Love the colours and the patterns - very inspiring!

Here's another fun thing from Elemental to inspire you to be creative this weekend(after you've nursed your sore head!) I'm not suggesting you take up forged iron work but I do think there's the potential in this vintage mirror to inspire a wonderful repeat pattern or some curled paper work or . . .

So I guess you'll be getting all gussied up tonight and heading out to a glamourous New Year's party. Well don't forget to do your hair - here are some ideas a la Amy Flurry and Nikki Salk (I'd suggest you wear a tad more make up than these gals!)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful few days off last week. Can you believe that it's almost the end of 2009? I ran across these images over the holidays and stashed them away to share with my creative pals here at The Cafe. These are from a Flickr set - interior images from Anthropologie. What I was curious about was the amazing sculptures created from unusual materials, take a closer look . . .

Rolled newspaper and plastic knives?

Recycled paper, chopsticks and plastic spoons?

Plastic spoons and forks - amazing!

Super fabulous moth pillows from Utilitarian Franchise - love the oversized graphics - very inspiring!

There are so many cute things I found when I was shopping online for the holidays. Including this little pin from Marisol Spoon's shop. She has some wonderful illustration some of which she applies to interesting items like this . . . .

Have you seen these? - Cut Out and Sew Glove Puppets from Alice Melvin. These remind me a lot of similar items that were quite popular when we were kids in the 70s. I remember there was an orange striped cat that you could buy, cut out and sew into a pillow - do you remember those?