Friday, December 4, 2009

Here are a couple of really lovely 'vintage' holiday pictures from Girlhula via a great selection at Design is Mine . I'd love to have a set of vintage brush trees like those!

I'm sure that one of your friends or family members must have this on their wish list this christmas - a round, French ceiling painting from 1870. They'll be glad I found it for you! They didn't list the price so it must be pretty cheap!

Here is a gorgeous wrought iron mirror. Another piece of great inspiration - a simple, wobbly, line drawing of this complicated floral design would result in a fabulous frame or cartouche for stationery or any paper project.

I love the design on the side of this tin. It's this kind of thing that gives me lots of good ideas for shapes and colours when I'm designing. Even the scalloped circles under the lid are a pretty shape.

I used to make quite a lot of jewelry - I loved doing it. Though there were never as many great suppliers than there are now - I should pick it up again. Great supplies from place like this.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Okay everyone get your shoes on - we're going out. We're going to take a field trip to this store in New York - Kabinett & Kammer. Better bring a packed lunch because we'll be here for a while . . . .

The very talented illustrator and typographer, Kate Forrester, wrote to me to tell me about her latest project. These paper cut outs were done for british department store, John Lewis for their Xmas campaign. Kate says, if you are in the UK, "Look out for these posters - currently adorning billboards, buses, underground stations and newspapers all over the UK until Christmas." Fantastic!

On Kate's blog she has a feature on the design work she did for her sister in law's wedding. The invitations etc are fabulous and so unusual - I think you will love them . . .

You can see more of Kate's work here and also on her blog. Thanks Kate!
Here's a fun little stocking stuffer from Tuesday Afternoon Tea - an old fashioned paper fortune teller - great idea!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am quite fascinated by photographs of old books so, when I find a good collection, I love to share. You will love this set of fabulous Spanish photographs. The set is called "diary of the book-lover" and the very talented photographer is Jelens

These are images are from an article on Apartment Therapy about The Perish Trust - Curated Vintage Finds. How fun to style a space using all these wonderful old treasures.

These sweet little jam jar toppers could be your next weekend project. I love them and if I had even half a spare moment I would sit down and stitch up some samplers for Christmas - but it aint gonna happen this year. So it's up to you - check out this article and then get stitchin'!

Heads up if you like vintage glass holiday decorations - AMradio has a good selection and good prices for the real thing. There's nothing like vintage and mercury glass on the tree at christmas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Couldn't resist this crazy little picture - don't know where it's from - just found it floating around. Gotta love the teachers woolly sweater!

Check out these amazing silk pieces from Tinctory - I haven't seen anything like these before - which is always refreshing. I think you will enjoy the collection. I first spotted these at Elephantine.

There are so many fabulous paper garlands around this year - and I have to say they do look like fun to make. These are made by Lenia from tiny little circles and they are so delicate. The photos are gorgeous too - a great photo will catch my eye every time!

There are some great gift ideas for all your crafty friends over at The Purl Bee. Books, craft kits and pretty supply ideas. the purl Bee is such a wonderful blog - if it's not on your reading list you need to add it - right now!