Thursday, November 5, 2009

Road Trip
It's a short post today. I'm going to try to grab an extra day off this weekend and hopefully head off on a little road trip to visit my parents for a few days today. It's such a crazy busy time of the year for us here - but we love it and wouldn't want to be spending our time doing anything else! Don't forget, if you're a local, we have our Cartolina Open House next Sunday, the 15th, and we'd love to see you. We have a couple of very exciting things coming up next week - a great offer from GreetQ if you are considering buying Cartolina glittery holiday cards(more on Monday) and also a fun interview and giveaway over at a wonderful UK blog which I will post details of here next week too. Lastly, thanks for all your comments this week - it's been really fun reading and responding to them - makes my day! See you Monday - have a great weekend!

Three beautiful photographs from one of my favourite House and Home photographers, Canadian, Donna Griffith.
I saw this Etsy seller on Poppytalk the other day ( Dadaya ) and was so impressed with the originality and honesty of her work I just had to include it in today's posts. The felted mittens remind me of the Inuit mittens that my friend Michelle, who used to live in Labrador, wore every winter. They are just charming and they bring a smile to my face - are you smiling?

Window Shopping
I was so taken by these bags when I saw them on the Greet Q blog and then suddenly they were popping up everywhere. Really nicely designed bags that can be worn as a shoulder bag, or as a pack, from MIMS. The fabric choices are wonderful and the leather upgrades make the bags look like a million bucks. I am very taken by these and may put one on my Xmas list this year!

Window Shopping
Here are some fun paper goods from Etsy shop May Third. Love the vintage look - very nice.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I ran across these on Etsy front page yesterday - very impressive I'd say. L'Alfabeto Italiano by Bibitty available in poster format or individual cards which I love.

This month, thanks to Jennifer at GreetQ, our little Cartolina notebooks are featured in Traditional Home Magazine. I never realized what a beautiful magazine it is - gorgeous features, wonderful layout, nice quality paper. It got me thinking about magazines. For the last 15 years I have always subscribed to a great selection of home decor magazines but recently I let them all expire. I have been without magazines for a few months - and I've really missed them. I will hate it if more of my favourites go out of business because people like me are spending more time looking at online design blogs and e-zines than the pages of pretty publications. So yesterday I signed up for all my faves again, Style at Home, Canadian House and Home, Living, Sunset, Harpers and now Traditional Home. I also signed Doug up for Fine Home Building and Rolling Stone. I want to encourage you to buy more magazines, renew your subscriptions and encourage your friends to do the same - Doug and I can't single handedly prop up the industry by ourselves you know!

Back in July I bought some tourmalines and strung them together in a natural 'rainbow' like these and I love them. Saw these on Etsy yesterday, drooled over them and then decided that I would share them with you because I really don't need any more :-)

Cartolina Open House
Come one, come all, to our annual open house on November 15th. We had great fun last year - lots of people came. We drank champagne and ate yummy hors d'oeuvres and everyone went home with Cartolina goodies at less than wholesale prices. It's a great way to pick up your holiday cards for a great price and a good excuse to socialize too! And if you don't already know we are located in south east British Columbia, Nelson to be precise! Email me if you need directions or any other info. Looking forward to seeing everyone there ;-)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Window Shopping
A couple of days ago, one of my faithful readers, Ali, sent me a link to this amazing site - Factory 20. I have spent way to much, of the little time that I have, on this site in the last 24 hrs! There are just so many amazing vintage treasures to be found, from furniture to mirrors to toys and bottles - it's quite staggering. You know, I always thought Doug should have business like this because he's so good at finding cool vintage stuff - but there's only so much room to collect stuff in the garage. Enjoy . . . . .

This is a bank - above.

This photograph(above) could have been styled by one of the best don't you think?

Love the fact that you can see the reflection of all their vintage stuff in these mirrors.

They have lots of vintage store fixtures and display cases - like these.

Wrist Worms - what we all need at this time of the year to keep our hands warm when we are working at the computer. Last week I reached out to my Twitter friends for some recommendations on wrist warmers and these won, hands down :-)

These are so sweet - granny square blankets from Sandra Juto. I can't help loving these. I attempted to make one of these when I was about 13. I had the 1970s edition of the Vogue knitting and crocheting book and it had this great orange, yellow and white version of this blanket that I wanted so badly. I think I made about 6 of the squares and then gave up. It's complicated you know!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Revisiting a past project
Hello everyone. I hope you had a fun weekend. We have more words than pictures this morning - how odd!
Yesterday Doug and I got up very early and went for a drive up the lake. We decided to go and visit the cabin we built 14 years ago. It's about a 90 minute drive from our place, along a beautiful, winding road to the north end of Kootenay Lake. We have probably only been there twice in the last 14 years because we sold it shortly after we built it. It holds a lot of memories for us - it was our first foray into the world of real estate. We bought the lakefront property for $10,000 which left us no money to build our little holiday cabin so Doug salvaged used building materials and built the entire cabin from recycled lumber, doors and windows. Our friends thought we were mad but the cabin ended up costing less than $1000 to build. And it was a summer well spent. It was fun to see it yesterday. The owners use it for just a few weeks every summer but I can tell they love it - there was a canoe and a fire pit and a well used trail down to the beach. But what I liked the most was to see how it had aged - it looks like an old miners cabin that's been there there for 85 years - I like that.

The Honest Scrap Award

I have been awarded the Honest Scrap Award from my pal Kitty at Return To Bohemia. Apparently I have to follow these rules:

1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.

Thank you Kitty! I love your blog and am very happy to have met you through the blogosphere!

2) Share 10 honest things about yourself.

1. Thanks to my grandparents I can recite Humpty Dumpty, and various sea shanties, in Hindi.

2. When I was young I won 3 Blue Peter Badges(fellow expat Brits will understand the enormity of this.)

3. I've spent the last 6 years teaching my cat to speak.

4. In 1988 I spent 2 weeks taking care of Cathy Lee Gifford's hair and makeup.

5. I get up very early every morning - I don't like to have to do anything early but I like to be up, just in case.

6. I have a serious addiction to peanut butter - salted, crunchy - and never, ever, with jam or jelly - yuck.

7. I have tried most crafts but only enjoy the ones I can complete in one day.

8. I was a strict vegetarian for 16 years but never gave up haggis - it is, after all, a vegetable - isn't it?

9. The night before flying out of Paris last year I bought a beautiful pair of boots which turned out, the next day, to be 2 right feet.

10. I can't get wet - especially in the hair area.

3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.

1. Cate at Under The Blanket because she is so interesting and I think everyone would enjoy her responses.

2. Carina at Crow and Canary because she's such a cool chic with a great sense of humour.

3. To Dandy Bread and Candy because she's a great designer and an enthusiastic blogger - I like her style!

4. Cathe at Feterie because she's hard working and generous and I'd love to know more about her.

5. Nina at House of Temps Perdu because she lives so far away in Helsinki and I think her life must be so interesting.

6. Julie Reed at Bricolage because I want to know more about the gal behind the vintage fabulousness.

7. At Home With Kim Vallee because she has so much energy for social media and she inspires me every day

4) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.