Friday, May 8, 2009

Inspiration | colour and pattern
A riot of colour and pattern to get you through the weekend from stylist and photographer Kate French. I'm really loving that red and white patterned wallpaper in picture 4 isn't it fabulous? And the lampshade with the vintage brooches pinned to it is so cute - great idea for a dressingroom/boudoir (and the bangles on the painted paper towel holder is so simple and clever - some people have such good ideas!)

Inspiration - vintage trinkets
I was quite intrigued by the beautiful necklaces I featured here yesterday - it got me thinking about vintage trinkets and sent me off on a wild cyber goose chase for vintage treasures. Old buttons are a great source of inspiration - I have hundreds with every colour and pattern imaginable. Here are some wonderful vintage buttons starting from here

Above from here

Above From here
Random Objects - giant neon letters

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Instantly look more interesting.
I am really liking this style of jewelry  - and I am seeing it everywhere. The effect is of many, tiny, found objects clustered on an old chain - just like you found them at the flea market or in your grandmother's jewelry box - it's fun and eclectic and it makes us look extremely interesting  - don't you think?

These particular beauties are from Lemon Grass - though they may have been snapped up by another interesting looking person all ready . . . 
Inspiration | French books
This week I noticed a few other bloggers featuring a new book by Australian photographer Pia Jane Bijkerk called Paris:Made By Hand. It looks wonderful so I followed the link to purchase the book and found myself at The Little Bookroom. There are some other wonderful books listed at The Little Bookroom including the following:

This above image is the masthead from The Little Bookroom - lovely isn't it?

Flea Markets of France by Sandy Price(love that cover)

Paris Chic and Trendy which features designers' studios, hip boutiques and vintage shops(let's go!)

Chic Shopping Paris by Rebecca Perry Magniant(what do you suppose is in that box?)

This cover speaks for itself - I just hope it doesn't give away every shopping secret in Paris - oh no!

Random mystery objects
I think these pretty little things are galvanized tin - they look like slate don't they? I love them. I'd love to know if you have seen these for sale anywhere - I found them ages ago on a Japanese site that has closed it's doors - but I'd love to have some so let me know if you have seen them anywhere - thanks  :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Illustration | Oksana Badrak
I stumbled upon these posters yesterday(do you feel like you can't use that phrase now since it has been hijacked by Stumble Upon?)They are by illustrator Oksana Badrack. I love their ethereal feel and slightly surreal finish. They are very pretty, lovely colours.

Inspiration | block printed fabrics and wall paper from Designers Guild
Hey wanna see what's new at Designers Guild? Great new block printed fabrics and wall papers. Really good inspiration for all of us pattern lovers. I have my eye on that green chaise - yum!

Pretty Paper
Just had to include this pretty picture today after those wonderful Japanese paper flowers from yesterday. Picture from here.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Paper Flowers - Kusudama
Kusudama, I think, is the art of creating paper balls from origami. I saw this post over at Paper Crave and thought you might be interested in the tutorial offered at Folding Trees. There are lots of wonderful ideas and tutorials using pretty papers that you might enjoy. The first 2 images are from Paper crave and the next ones are from a fabulous selection right here. 
{In my previous life, when I wasn't so busy, I would have been all over this - there would have been flowery paper balls hanging in every corner of the house by dinner time - I have feeling that Doug is secretly grateful that I am too busy for any new crafts!}