Friday, May 1, 2009

Vintage Storefronts
Doug and I used to live in Edinburgh and I think we might make a trip back there this year. I was looking through some pictures the other night and thought you might like to see where my obsession for vintage storefronts comes from. This is a great selection - all from Edinburgh. I love the bright colours against the granite and sandstone walls. 

Picture purge.
I always seem to end up with so many unrelated but beautiful photographs by the end of the blogging week. Hope you don't mind if I purge!

Vintage finds.
Here are a couple of fun vintage things this week from Bluebell Bazaar. These drawers are very cool, I can think of many things I'd like to store in those. And the basket is so authentic - perfect for those industrial chic interiors we love!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Poppytalk Handmade Market
I always take the time to browse through the Poppytalk Handmade Market to see what catches my eye. I am always so impressed with everyone's art and craftiness(and wish I had more time for crafts these days.) I think this necklace is wonderful - cut from a 1950s tin tray - perfect little dogwood flowers. How clever and unique - from Little Black Rabbit.

Inspiration | Interiors
Today I have for you some good old fashioned eye candy - and judging by the feedback I get - this is what you all enjoy the most - so enjoy!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Illustrator and calligrapher Cynthia Warren
I am in awe of Cynthia Warren - there, I said it. She is VERY good!
Creating these pieces that look so authentic is very difficult and Cynthia has a clear understanding of this fabulous, vintage style of calligraphy and typography. I hope you enjoy her work as much as I do. Her web site is lovely and I had a hard time choosing the pieces to feature here.

Inspiration | Engravings
I thought you might be interested in this lovely engraving that I just dug out of my box of treasures - it sort of goes with Cynthia Warren's illustration work don't you think? I bought this at the stamp market in Rome a couple of years ago. It was a book plate before it was rudely torn out and discarded.

And in case you are short on descriptives today be sure to use the word "Phantasmagoria" as often as possible!
Butterfly image from here.
Random Objects | buttons
I had to throw these in today, they are perfect for todays theme. Lovely little buttons from Papier Valise (who has so much great stuff I wish she was my neighbour.)

The last time I posted a few buttons (or badges, as I call them) someone asked me if I actually wear buttons - and the answer is yes. I have a small vintage moose button on my green Castro hat. And I have another with a tiny water skier on it that has fallen down behind the seat in my Mini - but I shall retrieve it and wear it with pride any day now!
"Brown paper packages tied up with . . . "
How fun is this ribbon from Brown Button Trading Company? Via the very beautiful blog, Wedding Style Guide.