Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays to you and yours from all of us here at Cartolina - see you next Monday! Doug and I are going to spend the next few days overeating with our families and hopefully get some skiing in - to offset the eating! Wherever you are, stay warm, drive safe - and enter my giveaway(below!)
Let's have a Cartolina holiday giveaway!

So it's time for another giveaway! This time we are giving away a set of our new animal cards(illustrated by Doug.) These little beauties are all ready turning out to be a very hot item. So if you would like to snag a double set of these just leave a comment below and we will make the draw on Monday next week(like a belated Xmas surprise!) This time I want you to write a quicky comment about your favourite pet, now or in the past. Can't wait to read them! Thanks!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Artist | Yulia Brodskaya 
Here's something fun and colourful for a blustery winter day. Can't remember where I first saw this artist featured but her work is simply amazing - her portfolio is so fun to browse through. Makes me want to cut up some paper and start curling!

Blog Alert | Bricolage - Julie Reed
If anyone ever asks me how to get their product featured on a blog the best advice I can give is to start writing comments on the blogs you would like to be featured on. A good example is Julie Reed. Julie commented on a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago(with no expectations other than to leave her comment.) I read all the comments that come my way and if I can click on the author's name to find out more about them, I will. So I clicked on Julie's name and found myself at her charming blog and discovered she is a very talented gal. Here is one of the recent craft projects she is sharing on her blog Bricolage.

These are so pretty - I think you will love her blog and her good taste!
So, you see, you can spend a lot of time and money on press releases etc when all you really need to do is make yourself known to the blogger.
Window Shopping | McMaster and Storm
Julie's decorations, above, reminded me of some brilliant Xmas decorations I saw at McMaster and Storm. My other friend Julie introduced me to McMaster and Storm last year and, If you don't all ready know them, I think you will enjoy browsing through their store and their website. Lots of treasures. Here are a few pictures.

I once considered having a blog which purely featured the insides of stores like these because they are so visually stimulating - may still consider that!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby it's Cold Outside!
Wow - is it cold where you are? There's a deep freeze happening up here in the Pacific northwest and I'm thinking sweaters, scarves and winter woolies! I'm not the best at finding all the good stuff on Etsy but I did manage to find these wonderful warm woolen things to share with you.

Photograph above by Photobird.

Two glorious white cowls from Windowsill - love these!

Fabulous chunky orange scarfe from Bossyboots

Superb green cowl from Happiknits.

And finally 2 great cowls from Homelab originally seen on Scoutie Girl.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Deluxe Scarves

Super duper swanky scarves from Anthropologie. Would you like the red one or the blue one - I personally would go for the blue - though if you forced me to wear the red I would  :-)
It's a Wonderful Life - in Japan!
We got this book in the mail on Friday. It is the Japanese version of It's a Wonderful Life!  A couple of years ago Doug was asked by Penguin Books to collaborate with Jimmy Hawkins(who played the youngest child in the original movie) to produce a kid's illustrated version of It's a Wonderful Life. It was really fun for me to watch the book come together that summer. The finished book, It's a Wonderful Life For Kids has been selling well for the last couple of years. It was fun to check out the Japanese version.

Here is the first scene in the movie and the book - Doug's illustration of a wintery night in Bedford Falls! The US version of the book is available here(Amazon). And here's a link to all Doug's books(Market Day is my favourite!)